Oldsmar |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 5.7.2. Prohibited uses.
Any use that is obnoxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibration or in any other way or manner that adversely affects the environment or the use and enjoyment of abutting property or otherwise has a deleterious effect on the community, including:
Acetylene gas manufacture.
Acid manufacture.
Aluminum powder manufacture or storage in quantities exceeding 20 pounds.
Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine, tank storage or manufacturing.
Any retail or wholesale business that is obnoxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, gas or vibration.
Asphalt manufacturing or refining.
Assaying other than gold or silver.
Bag cleaning establishments.
Blast furnace.
Boiler works.
Bottle manufacturing.
Bowling alleys, pool parlors, dancehalls, drive-in movies, golf driving ranges, carousels, roller coasters, whirligigs, merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels or similar amusement devices and other places of public entertainment.
Brick, pottery, tile, concrete block or terracotta manufacture.
Burlap manufacture.
Carpet cleaning establishment.
Coke manufacture.
Concrete batch plant.
Creosote treatment or manufacture.
Dextrine, glucose or starch manufacture.
Disinfectant, insecticide or poison manufacture.
Distillation of coal, petroleum, refuse, grain, wood, or bone except in manufacture of gas.
Dry cleaning or dyeing at wholesale.
Dye stuffs manufacture.
Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture.
Exterminator and insect poison manufacture.
Fat, grease, lard or tallow manufacturing, rendering or refining.
Fertilizer manufacture.
Fireworks and explosive storage or manufacture.
Gelatin, glue or size manufacture which includes products from fish, animal refuse and offal.
Grain drying or food manufacture from refuse mash or grain.
Incineration, reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, dead animals or offal.
Lampblack, animal black or bone black manufacture.
Lime, cement or plaster of Paris manufacture.
Linoleum or oilcloth manufacture.
Livery or boarding stables.
Match manufacturing.
Ore producing and general smelting operations.
Paper and pulp manufacture.
Perfume and extract manufacture.
Potash works.
Printing ink manufacture.
Pyroxyline plastic manufacture or article therefrom.
Railroad yards.
Refining or manufacturing of gas, petroleum or other flammable liquids.
Rubber manufacture from the crude materials.
Salt works.
Sand pit, processing.
Sauerkraut manufacture.
Sawmills or planing mills.
Shoe blacking or stove polish manufacture.
Slaughtering of animals.
Soap manufacture.
Steel furnace, blooming or rolling mill.
Stone crushing.
Storage or bailing of scrap paper, iron, bottles, rags, or junk.
Storage, cleaning, curing, or tanning of rawhides or skins.
Sugar refining.
Sulphurous, sulfuric, nitric, carbolic, or hydrochloric acid manufacture.
Tar distillation or manufacture.
Tar roofing or waterproofing manufacture.
Tobacco manufacture or treatment.
Vinegar manufacture.
Wool pulling or scouring.
Yeast plant.