§ 5.10.2. Official zoning map.  

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  • 1.

    Each page of the official zoning map shall be identified by a signature of the zoning official under the following words: "This is to certify that this is page ____________ of the Official Zoning Map referred to and adopted by the City of Oldsmar, Florida, ;daterule; A.D. 20 ____________ ."


    The boundaries of each district shall be shown on the official zoning map.


    Changes in district boundaries. If, in accordance with the provisions of these zoning regulations and applicable provisions of Florida law, changes are made in district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the official zoning map, such changes shall be entered promptly on the official zoning map after the amendment has been approved by the city council, with an entry on the appropriate page of the official zoning map as follows:

    "On ;daterule;A.D., 20 ____________ by Ordinance No. ____________ of the City of Oldsmar, the Official Zoning Map was changed as shown on this page."

    No amendment to these regulations which involves matter portrayed in the official zoning map shall become effective until such change and entry has been made on the official zoning map in the manner herein set out; such change shall be made within two working days after the date of adoption of the amendment.


    Unauthorized changes prohibited. No changes of any nature shall be made in the official zoning map, or any matter shown thereon, except in conformity with the procedures set out in these zoning regulations. Any unauthorized change of whatever kind by any person or persons shall be considered a violation of these zoning regulations.


    Custody of maps. Regardless of the existence of purported copies of all or part of the official zoning map, which may from time to time be made or published, the official zoning map, which shall be maintained by the office of the city manager, shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of all lands and waters in the incorporated area of the city.


    Retention of earlier zoning map. All zoning maps, or remaining portions thereof, which have been officially adopted and recognized as the official zoning map for the City of Oldsmar prior to the effective date of adoption of these zoning regulations, shall be retained as a public record and as a guide to the zoning status of lands and waters prior to such date.


    Replacement of official zoning map. If the official zoning map, or any page or portion thereof, becomes damaged, lost, destroyed, or difficult to interpret by reason of the nature or number of changes, the city council may, by resolution, adopt a new official zoning map, or any page or pages thereof, which shall supersede the prior official zoning map, or page or pages thereof. The new official zoning map, or page or pages thereof, may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior official zoning map, or page or pages thereof, but no such correction shall have the effect of amending the original official zoning map, or page or pages thereof.

    If, in the process of adopting a replacement official zoning map, or any page or pages thereof, district boundaries are changed or altered, then action in regard to such change of district boundaries shall be taken only in the form of an amendment to these zoning regulations.

    The new official zoning map, or page or portion thereof, shall be authenticated, as for the original, with wording to the following effect:

    "This is to certify that this Official Zoning Map (or page or pages thereof) replaced the Official Zoning Map (or page or pages thereof) adopted ;daterule; A.D., 20 ____________ as part of Ordinance (or Resolution) No. ____________ of the City of Oldsmar, Florida."

    Unless the prior official zoning map has been lost or has been totally destroyed, the prior map, or any significant parts thereof remaining, shall be preserved as a public record together with all available records pertaining to its adoption or amendment.

(Ord. No. 2009-13, § 2, 9-3-09)